Congratulation to the Dubai Marina Yacht Club, one of our main sponsors, to achieve the 5 Gold Anchors Award! We were proud to participate at the public event organised to celebrate this prestigious acknowledgement on the 7th of June, 2014. As always it was a great afternoon spent with the public, lots of children eager to know more about dolphins and play with our puzzles. We also held the “Draw a dolphin competition” and had fantastic drawings submitted by the children. The winner this time was Niranjan, a 7 year old boy that made a fantastic dolphin all by himself! As prize Niranjan was allowed to choose a name for one of the local dolphins that we identified in Dubai waters. So now a beautiful Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin with a very pointy fin has been named Nins. We hope to sight him again soon!
As usual we had a fantastic team of volunteers that made our presence at this event possible Thank you to Cristyn and Dave, Courtney, Nassim and her husband, Valerie, Sara, Lauren and her sister for your great help!
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