….for a better marine environment. Since the launch of the project we had lot of interest from secondary school students eager to support the project. Kevin and friends was the first group of students that started a public awareness campaign in their school. Some students ask what they could do to support the project, some others simply take the plunge! Harriet, from Dubai British School, took her own initiative and with an impeccable determination organised three presentations for younger years students in her school. Well done Harriet! Here her feedback:
My paragraph for the UAE Dolphin Project
by Harriet, YR 8
I took on the role of being the school representative for the environment that we live in and it was my job to help raise awareness about dolphins in the UAE in our school. My first job was to research about the project and dolphins themselves, I found it very interesting and was keen to get everybody else in school interested.
Armed with my research I visited every teacher in the primary school and told them about the project and asked if they would be interested in learning more for themselves and their pupils. All teachers were very interested but because of teaching commitments not all could take part in the time given. However teachers from foundation, year 2 and year 4 were all keen to take part.
My next role was to contact Dr Ada from the project and ask if she was willing to visit our school and help us learn more. Dr Ada was fantastic and visited school on several occasions to talk to the classes and help them learn more. Each of the year groups enjoyed the talks and the feedback from the teachers was really positive. The talks were interesting, fun and engaging and at the end the children were so eager to learn more that there was a sea of hands all wanting to ask questions.
I would like to continue to support the UAE Dolphin Project and I am now considering how Dubai British School can help raise awareness throughout the UAE.